The Scene:

New York, 1870. From the salons of Fifth Avenue to the slums of Five Points.



Meet the women of Beggars Faire

New York City at the dawn of the Gilded Age: Four extraordinary women, both high-born and low-, make their way in the world with their wits and wiles–all that society allows them. 

Edith Van Eyes: Her husband Laurence, the charismatic society minister, plots her destruction. Maude Goff, a brilliant and talented actress of bold ambition. Vivian, a vulnerable prostitute under the command of Blackie McKenna, one of Boss Tweed’s most fearsome thugs.  And Luce, the Van Eyes’ house maid, torn between her love for Laurence and her loyalty to Edith.

Schemes collide, murder is committed, boundaries are smashed and courage is tested as a panoramic story of women and of the city unfolds.

All's Faire

Real people

Craft a brief description outlining the essence of your first service.

Did that really happen?

Craft a brief description outlining the essence of your first service.

Third Service

Craft a brief description outlining the essence of your first service.

Faire Game

How are women “fairing” today? Let’s discuss!